
Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 2 Review: Emotional and Insightful!

The show creators – David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, have a knack to bring out emotions that were deeply buried since previous seasons from the depths of our heart. Our favorite characters have come a full circle and are gearing up for the oncoming battle of Ice and Fire; united in the face of war, between the living against the dead.

Ghost is back! Mainly because there are no dragons shown in this episode and they had some budget for ghost which is unbelievable and unjust from the part of the creators. No explanation was given as to where and why ghost came from. We see in season 1 that Ned Stark gave each of his children one wolf cub to groom and protect; while all the others are dead or deserted their owners, ghost survived cost cutting budget issues and resurfaced in the 8th season, finally.

Also Read: Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 1 Review

While the fans anticipated a much longer episode with more information about battle and the Night King, episode 2 is again filled with long-forgotten reunions. Like Bran and Jamie sharing a moment discussing their last meeting from the first season, Bran is all forgiving because of the ripple effect which occurred because of the infamous ‘push’. The show starts with yet another council meeting where Jamie answers for his crimes against Targaryens and Starks to Daenerys Targaryen and Lady Sansa of Winterfell, only to be saved because of Brienne of Tarth and brother Tyrion Lannister. The Imp fails terribly to prove his brilliance as the hand of the Queen when he put his faith in Cersei, who never showed up with any army. What a fool!

Warden of the North, Jon Snow, ahem, sorry – Aegon Targaryen is avoiding his girlfriend and his Queen- Dany, lest he has to talk about her aunt – oopsie. While Daenerys and Sansa bond, it gives us immense joy to see our favorite red-head and blondie share a moment of truth about ‘the stupid things men do for love’.

Reek shows up at Winterfell and is greeted warmly by Sansa who helped Reek to transform back as Theon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands; Theon was forced to witness Sansa being raped by Ramsey Bolton and later went on helped her to escape Winterfell by lighting a lamp from the top tower; ardent fans will remember these heart wrenching moments and wipe a tear or two, when Sansa sheds her mask as Lady and emotionally hugs her true ally Theon Greyjoy who now will fight alongside the warriors in the longest night to befall the living.

Ed the Night Watch’s Commander in Chief, Tormund – Giantsbane, the wildling leader and Beric Dondarrion, from the Brotherhood without Banners, the remaining members escape from Last Hearth and meet Jon at Winterfell.

The mystery of Bran Stark is unveiled as he tells everyone that the Night King is waging this war only to kill him- the three-eyed raven, just as the previous ones were killed. The Night King’s motive is revealed as he wants to wipe out the memory of the living. A map is drawn and defenses for Winterfell are discussed. Jon, Dany, Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, Ser Davos, Lady Mormont, Brienne, Bran, Theon, Sam and all others are seen strategizing for tomorrow when the Night King finally lands his first attack. Tyrion wants to know more about the dead from Bran who as a know-it-all, fails for the first time to tell if dragon fire can kill the Wights or not!

A long night before the war brings all the soldiers together in front of the fireplace. Lady Brienne is caught in between a love triangle Jamie Lannister and Tormound, the wildling but is won by Ser Jamie who Knight’s her and wins her heart! Podrick Payne is back and can do a lot more than whatever he did to the ladies, sings a beautiful song for the soldiers awaiting their icy cold deaths.

Arya knows – that Gendry her old pal, is bastard of the Robert Baratheon and the only living male heir to the Baratheon family. Finally, an alliance between Starks and Baratheons happened unlike when Robert was to marry Lyanna Stark to strengthen their bonds but failed to Rhaegar – Ned Stark would be so proud of his little girl.

In the Crypts:

A lot is happening in the crypts these days. While not a great stage to reveal big secrets, it is creepy for sure. Jon tell Dany (as Jon calls her lovingly when he has to make revelations) that he is in fact her nephew, Daenerys is agitated not because she is sleeping with her nephew but because he has a bigger claim of the Iron throne.

Amidst all the emotional turmoil and internal politics, we see the hooves of the Night King’s horse; he is at the doorstep of Winterfell, ready to attack. The Night King along with his huge army of the dead is menacingly sassy with icy blonde hair, make up and prosthetics that takes more than 8 hours to apply and another hour to remove but sadly got lesser screen time in Episode 2.

Our watch has now begun. Another week until the war; Watch out for more details on Game of Thrones and let us know your views in comments below.

Anusha Shanbhag

Anusha Shanbhag is a freelance blogger, short-story writer, multilinguist and a public speaker as part of CGI Toastmasters Club(VP Education head). Presently living in the metropolitan Bengaluru, India working at CGI Groups as a Software Engineer. Coming from a humble background, my experiences involve conversations with people who are facing personal or emotional challenges. I aspire to publish my book and grow my career as a content writer. For more information visit my site shanbhagrocks.co

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