The Irregulars Review: Unimaginative and Unoriginal!

The Irregulars, a supernatural crime drama produced by Netflix, is based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, who created the world of Sherlock Holmes. The show stars Thaddea Graham as the orphaned Bea, her sister Jesse played by Darci Shaw, and the two street boys, Billy and Spike, played by JoJo Macari and McKell David, respectively. Along for the ride is Leo, who’s the youngest son of Queen Victoria and a prince of England, played by Harrison Osterfield.

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The Irregulars centers around this group, who in the novels are a street gang of impoverished children that work as spies for Sherlock Holmes in exchange for money, food, and a place to stay. He gains much important information from them.

However, Netflix decided they wanted to take a more supernatural route with the story, and it is believed that a “rip” has opened up between the world of the dead and the living, allowing dark creatures to enter our world. Jesse has a special connection to this, as we learn fairly early that she has otherworldly visions. The children decide to do whatever they can to stop an apocalypse.

The Irregulars Netflix Review

Though the supernatural concept is intriguing, it strays so far away from what we know of Sherlock’s world that it might as well be something different altogether. Right away, a lot is happening in the first episode, and the show struggles to find its proper footing. It’s unrealistic in an era that royalty would be in the company of orphans or that Leo could easily come and go as he pleases as he does in the show.

The characters aren’t very compelling, nor are they likable, for that matter. Neither is the storyline, to be honest. It feels like something that’s been done before using these characters to do it. The soundtrack is detestable. I hate modern music in period pieces. It entirely undermines the setting. The set itself was beautiful, as were the costumes, but I’m tired of shows thinking that’s all you need to create a solid period piece.

The acting is acceptable but needs a lot of work, especially the chemistry between the cast, something about it seems lacking. In all honesty, The Irregulars is okay if you need something to watch and you’re not too picky. Watch ‘The Irregulars’ on Netflix here.

‘The Irregulars’ Rating – 2.5/5

Review by Jennifer Arthur
Follow Jenn on Instagram – @islandgirlreview

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