All Spider-Man Movies Ranked from Worst to Best
Explore the Spider-Man Movies Ranked from top to bottom! From the classic Tobey Maguire era to the modern Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland adaptations, we break down the best and worst in the Spider-Verse. Discover which film swings to the top as we weigh action, storytelling, and iconic moments. Whether you’re a die-hard Spidey fan or just curious, our ranking of all Spider-Man Movies Ranked, will guide you through the web-slinging journey of these beloved superhero movies!
Last Updated on September 16, 2023
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10. No Way Home (2021)
Director – Jon Watts
Cast – Tom Holland & Zendaya
Spider-Man Movies Ranked: Although Spider-Man: No Way Home is a fan favorite and considered one of the best Spider-Man films to date by general audiences, when looking at it objectively, No Way Home is the least original Spider-Man film. Not to mention, it is a movie that cannot stand alone without decades of prior knowledge from other Spider-Man franchises and the entire MCU as well.
The idea that audiences must watch dozens of films in order to understand the “weight” of another film has become one of the downfalls of cinema today, specifically dealing with the MCU. The greatest gripe with No Way Home is that it banks on other, not to mention better, Spider-Man characters and plot points to exist.
Many people say the best part of No Way Home is the re-emergence of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in their respective roles. However, this proves that the reason No Way Home is loved by many is because it takes the best parts of prior Spider-Man films and uses them to formulate another story. By using Maguire and Garfield’s Spider-Mans, old villains, and emotions from previous plot points (Gwen Stacy’s fall, for example), this film is a poor attempt at manipulative fanfare with no heart of its own or legs to stand on.
9. Homecoming (2017)
Director – Jon Watts
Cast – Tom Holland & Michael Keaton
Next on the Spider-Man Movies Ranked, Spider-Man: Homecoming was the first film in the beginning of the third Spider-Man franchise as part of the MCU. This was a fresh start to the franchise, succeeding Maguire and Garfield, with a new face at the time, Tom Holland. He has been the youngest actor to portray Peter Parker, looking more like a high school student than the other two actors.
Contrary to popular opinion, Spider-Man: Homecoming is unfortunately one of the weakest Spider-Man films to date. Regarding the characters, Holland works better as Peter Parker than Spider-Man, but this film’s incorporation into the MCU makes it feel like a much larger world, contrary to the “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” feel, which now feels like the “friendly universe Spider-Man.”
As a result, this film never finds its footing because it depends too much on the legacy of the other MCU films with Iron Man being one of the main characters, constantly reminding the audience that this film belongs to a bigger story instead of focusing on Spider-Man like the other two franchises.
Zendaya’s character of MJ is written poorly, making her so deadpan and head tilting, not to mention barely in the film compared to a new love interest for Peter Parker, Liz, whose story ends up going nowhere because of the obvious canon connection between Peter and MJ. The entire film feels so disconnected emotionally from the story of Spider-Man, instead opting for a film that feels more for teenagers than a larger audience. The lack of feeling towards any elements or events in the film is what brings this film so low in the rankings.
8. Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Director – Sam Raimi
Cast – Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst
Spider-Man Movies Ranked: Although Spider-Man 3 is ranked the lowest out of the Sam Raimi films, it is still an enjoyable adventure even if the conclusion feels a little bit underwhelming given the power of the first two Maguire films. Peter’s black suit poses an interesting concept, giving him stronger abilities, but not without the sacrifice of bringing out his darker side.
Given Spider-Man’s primary adversary is typically a villain, (even if in this film we do have Sandman) it was a fresh idea to have Peter have to battle himself internally and against his own black suit. Getting a finale of Peter and Harry’s ongoing conflict is another important element to bring this trilogy to a close, even if the conclusion of this part of Peter’s life is more tragic. Overall, Spider-Man 3 isn’t the best conclusion we could have gotten but Raimi’s style is still fun to experience.
7. Far From Home (2019)
Director – Jon Watts
Cast – Tom Holland & Jake Gyllenhaal
Next on the Spider-Man Movies Ranked, Far From Home is the best in the Holland franchise, even if it struggles to live up to older Spider-Man films. Peter Parker’s character feels formulaic, as many of the new Marvel movies are, with little emotion to attach to his character because he is a small figure in a grander MCU franchise. As a result, Parker and Spider-Man do not feel as if they inhabit their own franchise, with too many Infinity Stones and other superheroes looming over them. This film is the best of the trilogy, mostly due to Jake Gyllenhaal’s enjoyable performance as Mysterio and the film taking Peter out of high school but instead into the real world.
There is a more fun element in that the film takes place abroad, somewhere we have not seen Spider-Man take on yet. MJ’s character in this movie completely deviates from her deadpan personality in the first one to try to assemble a relationship between Peter and MJ that feels so forced, unlike Maguire and Dunst or Stone and Garfield. Although Far From Home has some enjoyable moments, it unfortunately does not measure up to Spider-Man from 2002-2014.
6. Into the Spiderverse (2018)
Director(s) – Bob Persichetti, P. Ramsey, R. Rothman
Cast – Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld
Into the Spider-Verse is our first introduction to Miles Morales’ version of Spider-Man. The combination of a new animation style along with a new Spider-Man story not seen on film, made Into the Spider-Verse an experience in itself. Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman’s direction is otherworldly, making this the most authentic comic book adaptation of Spider-Man. The voice acting by Shameik Moore and Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy shows the importance of finding talented actors in animation and how it elevates the entire feel of the film.
Having seen Marvel tap into the idea of the Multiverse, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse does it with so much more zany fun while maintaining the emotional weight of its story. However, subjectively, it is more difficult to feel attached to the animated Spider-Man’s compared to the live actions.
5. Across the Spiderverse (2023)
Director(s) – Joaquim Dos Santos, Justin K. Thompson, Kemp Powers
Cast – Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld
Next on the Spider-Man Movies Ranked, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is the most visually stunning and advanced animated film in recent memory. It is mind-blowing to wrap one’s head around how the directors and writers storyboarded the film with over two hours of “blink and you miss it” action sequences, raging colors, angles, and fast-paced editing that only masters could visualize.
Santos, Powers, and Thompson’s directing of the film shows their distinct eye for re-envisioning what animation can look like and how it can be life-like on a movie screen. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse does a brilliant job paying homage to the various Spider-Man stories throughout the years while also incorporating their relevance into a more in-depth storyline.
Miles faces his biggest threat yet, one that causes him to examine the difference between stories that have always been told and the importance of being an anomaly in a world of patterns. The writers were able to expand Miles’ story within his own life while also driving home the importance of his role in the story of Spider-Man as a whole.
4. Spider-Man (2002)
Director – Sam Raimi
Cast – Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst
Spider-Man Movies Ranked: The original live-action Spider-Man was a film that will live in every millennial’s memory. It was a manifestation of the dreams of Spider-Man fans to finally see their favorite hero on the big screen. The amazing thing about Sam Raimi’s 2002 Spider-Man was the audience’s ability to finally see Peter Parker’s canon life events on film. Where some of us feel showing Spider-Man’s backstory in every film may get monotonous, it certainly never felt this way in Tobey Maguire’s first film.
Sam Raimi’s version feels like it is ripped right out of a comic book. Tobey Maguire laid the foundation for how great Spider-Man can be, and the success of this film prompted not only sequels but an entire franchise spanning over 20 years with the title character. With great power comes great responsibility, and Sam Raimi knows how to give Spider-Man the legacy he deserves.
3. Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Director – Sam Raimi
Cast – Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst
Spider-Man Movies Ranked: Spider-Man is one of the few franchises where the sequels are even better than the originals. Spider-Man 2 is no different. Although the Spider-Man lore seems to never get old, Spider-Man 2 gets to dive right into the action and create a new journey for Peter that outweighs his “defeat” of the Green Goblin in the first. Toby Maguire and Kirsten Dunst have moments that have become even bigger than the franchise (the upside-down kiss), and it is impossible not to want Peter to finally get his dream girl in this movie.
Dr Octopus is a great villain to watch that feels very comic-book-like, which is fitting for the entirety of Sam Raimi’s trilogy. Harry Osborn gets to play a larger role in Spider-Man 2, which is intriguing to see, having Peter have to deal with not only an evil villain but also seeing your best friend become a villain as well.
2. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
Director – Marc Webb
Cast – Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone
The Amazing Spider-Man is the best portrayal of the hero and Peter Parker we have been given so far. The characterization of Peter, played by Andrew Garfield as a bit of an outcast while also giving him the “cool guy” persona, makes his “punkish” actions against authority and bullies that much more interesting. His personality as Peter Parker molds into his actions as Spider-Man, showing that a young guy given such intense powers will use them for good but also to play jokes on police and school bullies.
Peter and Spider-Man don’t feel as separated as some portrayals but are fused together perfectly in the script thanks to Garfield’s incredible performance. This is also one of the only Spider-Man films where the science behind Peter’s transformation makes sense and is explained fully. This is one of the only Spider-Man films that holds an emotional weight to it that can be seamlessly felt, from Uncle Ben’s death to having to “give up” Gwen at the end. The performances heighten the script to make the canon events feel brand new.
1. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Director – Marc Webb
Cast – Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone
Next on the Spider-Man Movies Ranked, regardless of popular opinion, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the best Spider-Man film to date. Andrew Garfield’s ability to emotionally hold the audience in every scene is astounding. It examines the darker nature of being a superhero and the intense loneliness because of everyone’s inability to understand the immense sacrifices Spider-Man must make.
This film is darker where it shows that keeping Peter’s two lives separate will never give him the ability to give himself fully to either world, while also showing that when he merges his two worlds, it ends in disaster. The chemistry between Garfield and Stone is off the charts. The immense weight of Gwen’s death is something superhero films today are too scared to do.
This movie understands the importance of foreshadowing the entire film up until Gwen’s death, which, although we know is coming, does not prevent the audience from feeling devastated. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 digs into Spider-Man as a hero and Peter Parker as a man with as many flaws as he has heroic qualities. As an objective superhero film watcher (never having grown up with comic books or superhero attachments), TASM 2 has so many instances that keep the tears flowing in the most authentic feeling way. Dying on the hill that this is the best Spider-Man film to date is the easiest task.
What’s your Spider-Man Movies Ranked list? Drop a comment!
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