The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is the newest installment to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s list of short series and released after the astounding success of WandaVision. The show stars Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan in the title roles, but also includes various characters from the MCU. The events of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier take place after “the Blip” and Steve Rogers’ passing of the mantle and shield of Captain America to Sam. He is, however, reluctant to take on this role for good reason. When a dangerous group threatens the world, Sam and Bucky team up to stop them.
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I liked how the story of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was framed, and the pacing was great. One of the biggest themes explored is race and race relations. While I do think most of the scenes built around this worked very well, a few were redundant. At a certain point, you’re just preaching to the audience. Some people are upset about this, and honestly, that just means you don’t get it. The entire point was to show the Falcon’s evolution, you can’t do that without addressing the elephant in the room.
Captain America isn’t just a character he’s a symbol and the personification of America. To have a black man become that symbol is a very controversial thing. There’s no way they could have done this without addressing it, and you’re crazy if you think otherwise. I loved the imagery of the shield and the wings, I mean what’s more American than that? The bromance between Mackie and Stan (a happy coincidence) works for their characters’ relationship, and we love it. Special praise goes to Erin Kellyman for her role as Karli Morgenthau. I also liked the inclusion of the Dora Milaje and the insight they brought to Bucky’s story.
Even though many didn’t like him, John Walker is an ingenious plot tool. Screenwriters used his character as a way to warm fans up to the idea of a new Captain America as sort of a trial run that’s intended to fail. That way it’s much easier for audiences to accept Sam in the role eventually. He’s also the embodiment of white male privilege. Given every advantage and he still can’t cut it. It shifts the mainstream ideas of who our heroes can be as well as our villains. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was a thought-provoking and entertaining watch for both avid fans and casual viewers alike.
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