Fatherhood is a 2021 comedy-drama movie starring Kevin Hart in the lead role and directed by Paul Weitz. Based on the 2011 memoir Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love by Matthew Logelin, the film revolves around Hart’s character, a single father trying to raise his daughter.
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When I saw Kevin Hart being the character in Fatherhood, I automatically assumed that it was a comedy. Well, I was half wrong. It’s mostly a drama with quite a bit of humor. Instead of being humorous, Kevin Hart played a calm and sad father who was still recovering from the death of his wife. He portrayed the character well, and I bought his emotion and struggle as a grieving father.
The first half of Fatherhood was Kevin Hart struggling with taking care of the screaming baby. It wasn’t a surprise that Kevin’s character almost lost his marbles. It’s every parents’ early worst nightmare. I bet my mom related to this because she often told me about how she used to raise me. Overall, this part and the montage provided good comedy and weird situations that many parents would laugh and relate to.
The meat of the story was the relationship between the father and the daughter characters, and I enjoyed their chemistry a lot. The girl who played the daughter was good, and she showed the strong and a bit rebellious side of the character. In addition, they also dealt with another character coming into their life. They all were sweet and had fun moments together.
The story of Fatherhood was done many times before, and there wasn’t anything surprising or shocking that made this movie stand out. The side characters were straightforward, and each only had one job. The conflict and ending in the film were also obvious and sometimes even felt overdramatic.
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However, the sweet relationship between the main characters and the comedy made me feel good and smile often. Not gonna lie, but I still feel emotional despite the predictability. Overall, Fatherhood on Netflix starring Kevin Hart in the lead role narrates a story that was told before, but I still felt good and satisfied. Watch ‘Fatherhood’ on Netflix here.
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