Virupaksha is a supernatural mystery horror thriller directed by Karthik Dandu and stars Sai Dharam Tej in his highly anticipated comeback after a motorcycle accident in September 2021. Alongside Tej, the film also stars Samyuktha Menon as the female lead. And with its intriguing plot and unique genre, which is often not attempted in Tollywood, I was looking forward to this movie this year. The storyline begins with Surya returning to his mother’s village and comes across a series of unexplained deaths caused by black magic. Driven by a sense of justice, he starts to identify and capture the perpetrator.
Now, let’s dive into the heart of the matter: Virupaksha’s plot. It’s solid, gripping, intriguing, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Sukumar’s screenplay may have stumbled a bit here and there, but the film’s overall pacing is well done that you don’t even notice the hiccups. And while the execution could have been tighter, mainly the climax, it’s understandable given that this is the director’s second foray into the world of filmmaking.
The technical mastery on display in Virupaksha is nothing short of breathtaking. From the impeccable sound mixing and design to the mesmerizing camera work by Shamdat Sainudeen, every technical element comes together to create a cinematic experience that will leave you in awe. The night photography with its striking use of lighting is a visual spectacle to behold and adds a layer of interest to the film. The production design is equally impressive, with intricate attention to detail that perfectly complements the overall aesthetic. And let’s not forget about the incredible background score by B. Ajaneesh Loknath, which is unlike anything we’ve heard in recent years and adds another layer of intrigue to the already gripping plot.
Despite the film’s impressive technical achievements, the performances are a mixed bag. Sai Dharam Tej, in his comeback film, puts forth a valiant effort but struggles to convey the depth his character requires. On the other hand, Samyuktha Menon shines with her outstanding portrayal of a complex and substantial role, showcasing her acting prowess in almost every scene she appears in.
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In conclusion, Virupaksha is a movie that successfully blends the supernatural, mystery, horror, and thriller genres, resulting in an engaging and enthralling cinematic experience. While the film does have some minor flaws, particularly in terms of execution and performances, it more than makes up for them with its solid plot, technical excellence, and fantastic sound design. Director Karthik Dandu’s film shows promise, and an exciting addition to Tollywood’s diverse cinematic landscape.
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