SXSW 2025 Review: “Good Boy” – A Heartaching Horror!

There has always been this myth that dogs see in black and white. How it started is a mystery but it may stem from a more metaphorical idea that dogs are less intelligent than humans, thus seeing the world very simply. We watch our dogs go through their daily routines of eating, sleeping, and playing. They seem to be simply creatures.

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But, have you ever observed your dog staring at nothing or barking for no reason? They seem to have a sixth sense that humans don’t understand. From sensing a storm coming to knowing when their humans are leaving on a trip, this unexplainable characteristic is strong. Horror films for decades have displayed this idea that dogs can sense spirits in ways humans can not. Is this true? We may never know but Ben Leonberg, director and writer (along with Alex Cannon) of Good Boy seems to think so.

Good Boy stars Indy, a dog who moves with his owner Todd to an old family house when Todd becomes ill. Indy begins to sense there is a supernatural entity living there that is threatening his owner. Thus begins a cinematic experience unlike any other as Indy tries to save Todd from the unknown as any good boy would.

This film is a true testament to the art of filmmaking and the effort and dedication that goes into independent cinema. The film took 400 days for over three years to complete, working on Indy’s schedule in order to get the most genuine and real actions out of him with the help of an incredible film crew behind the camera.

The time that went into making Good Boy is evident as the film makes the audience wonder how certain sequences were filmed and how it was edited so seamlessly to tell its story while creating the safest set for its lead star. Even in scenes where Indy is experiencing distress, the integrity of Ben Leonberg, the real owner of Indy, shines through as he has created a masterpiece of independent cinema and in the horror genre itself. Good Boy exhibits genuine scares that would make any human scream, even if its lead actor remains fearless.

Its terrifying visuals are amplified by the “silence“ of its protagonist Indy, experiencing supernatural energies. Often after seeing the killer, ghost, or demon threatening them, the main character of a horror film will ring out a high pitched scream that shakes the audience. However, the lack of screams that come after seeing the entity in Indy’s house makes it that much more disturbing, making the audience witness terror without any human.

Leonberg turns his dog Indy into a star, where the combination between his intelligence and training is displayed on screen, making him seem like the most authentic portrayal of what a dog does best. Indy represents all of the good boys and girls that can sense when something is wrong and how the love for their owners is unconditional.

Good Boy is a tribute to our companions and how their hearts are some of the brightest in our world. Todd’s illness is growing rapidly and although Indy doesn’t understand what is happening to his owner, he can sense the fear and defeat in him. The film’s entity is a direct manifestation of the disease that is slowly killing Todd and the mystery behind what Indy is actually seeing in the house versus what he knows about its intentions. Dogs have a greater sense of feeling versus understanding when it comes to the world and this sense is sometimes even stronger than understanding completely what is going on.

One of the most heart-breaking elements of the film is Indy’s helplessness and inability to provide the same care that his human gives to him physically. He tries all that he can to fight the entity that is killing his owner but understands that things like opening a door and telling his owner what is going on is not within his abilities.

Good Boy is a film that displays one of the greatest loves of all, a dog’s love for his human and how he sees his purpose as being the shield between harm and his beloved human. Ben Leonberg’s balance of horror conventions and deep emotion wrapped up into this incredible film is what separates it as a masterpiece in its own right. Good Boy is bound to be a viewing experience all horror fans will love and cherish for years to come.

‘Good Boy’ Rating – 4/5

Follow Steph (the Author) on IG – @cinemasteph_7


Stephanie Young

Stephanie Young

Stephanie is a huge film fanatic, a librarian, and a baker! And when she isn't busy doing these activities, she is running around with her Australian Cattle Dog!

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