The Game Changers (2019) Review: An Eye Opener!

What if someone told you that drinking milk is bad for you? And also, eating an egg will reflect on your health? You would be shocked! Right? You would end up saying “What Nonsense!” Well, in that case, there is something you need to know.

Netflix has recently released a documentary called The Game Changers. And as the title appropriately suggests, the theme is based on a new ideology that will blow your mind away. It showcases us a way of life we never imagined before. Well, to begin with, the producers of this 85-minute of special are:

I am not even going to name drop them as they don’t need an introduction. Ironically, this is not a celebrity or an achievers list. These gentlemen are the producers of this great comprehension. So, now you know what you’re looking at.

Game Changers tells us that we have been living a lie for most of our lives. It’s time for us to buckle up and embrace the change. It says that being a non-vegetarian is unhealthy. Voila! Be it a singer, a dancer, an athlete, a sportsperson or any human being on the planet. The way to healthy living is only and only vegetarianism. Animal products cause us more harm than benefits. We need to realise it as soon as possible.


The title track for the documentary is perfectly written and composed displaying how athletes work hard and strive to become champions eventually. Narrated by James Wilks – a retired English professional mixed martial artist, the introduction of this 85-minute masterpiece shows his initial steak-eating period when he was consuming meat for all his meals. This was his way of following the conventional approach all athletes and wrestlers who have that approach nailed inside their heads which is “Non-Vegetarian = Proteins.”

However, he got injured severely which led him to do some research on recovery nutrition. This is when he came across a case study on the bone structure of Roman Gladiators. As we all know Gladiators were the most powerful fighters of their time. In the study, it was noticed that they had the highest levels of Strontium in their bones. Strontium is mainly present in plants. This proves that the Gladiators were actual vegetarians. Shocking! isn’t it? Who would have thought that being a vegetarian makes you stronger?

One such incident that strengthens this theory is that of a fight between Conor McGregor and Nate Diaz. Former is a non-vegetarian while the latter is not. McGreggor – a world champion and Diaz gave a good stiff competition. But, can you guess who won the fight? As opposed to the obvious, it was Diaz who gave him a tough fight and won the match.

Throughout decades the idea that floats is that proteins are mainly found in chicken, meat and fish. An athlete, a fighter or a sportsman should eat a lot of meat and fish to gain their proteins, but, the truth is the opposite of this analogy. The Game Changers tells us that we should eat more vegetarian products like lentils, pulses and beans. Bodybuilders consume a lot of eggs. Some say they have 10-15 eggs for breakfast, but apparently, they’re all wrong!


Our ancestors were primarily plant-eaters. This can be proved by our anatomical and physiological adaptations. As an example, we have teeth which look similar to herbivores. We have a long gut, on the other hand, carnivores have really small guts. We can see colours to spot ripe fruits, on the other hand, carnivores are primarily colour blind.

Moreover, the world’s strongest animal, Elephant, is also a herbivore. A gorilla can knock us down in a minute for all it takes. Does he eat chicken and eggs for breakfast? We need to understand that we humans are not designed to consume animal products. We are specifically made to digest plants which is what nature expects from us.

Researches show that even though animals and plants both have proteins, the quality of proteins from animals are far more harmful. Animal protein has inflammatory properties which raise the risk of a lot of diseases and heart problems. On the other hand, plant-proteins have a lot of antioxidants which reduce the risk of such diseases.

Nutritionists suggest that cow milk has an overflowing amount of calcium, but, ironically, does a cow consume milk to get calcium? No, It eats only grass. However, a cow produces the best quality milk. Nature has sorted it all for us and we don’t have to eat based on our calculations. Having said enough I rest my case. Below is a list of some athletes and achievers who follow a plant-based diet as per the documentary:

1) Arnold Schwarzenegger
2) Lewis Hamilton
3) Patrick Baboumian – The World’s Strongest Man, Multiple World Records in Powerlifting.
4) Scott Jurek – Most Dominant Ultra Marathon Runner.
5) Nimai Delgado – A Professional Bodybuilder
6) Morgan Mitchell – Sprinter / Represented Australia in the Summer Olympics
7) Rip Esselstein: A Former Firefighter and a Triathlete
8) Dotsie Bausch: American Cyclist, 7-time US National Champion and a 2-time Pan American Champion 
9) Damien Mander: Anti-Poaching Activist and the Ffounder of the International Anti-Poaching Foundation
10) Michael Thomas: Wide Receiver for the New Orleans Saints/NFL

Hopefully, people realize this and start using it to their advantage. This will also improve the harmony between humans and animals and reduce further extinctions. There is absolutely no doubt about it. Watch The Game Changers and be illumed.

What did you think about The Game Changers on Netflix? Sounds off in the comments below!

Shreeya Agarwal

A Bollywood enthusiast who feels that funny people are the most intelligent people.

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