Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Review: A Flawless Post-Apocalyptic Film!

Mad Max: Fury Road, directed by George Miller, is, without a doubt, a high-octane stupefying spectacle and is arguably one of the Best Action Movies produced in this decade. The storyline of the film is facile and follows the narrative of Max (Tom Hardy) and Furiosa (Charlize Theron) as they fight for their lives and against the evil warlord Immortan Joe.


What makes Fury Road a stand-out movie are a series of significant aspects and positives from the beginning till the end. Most importantly, George Miller’s impressive illustration of an astounding action movie. The death-defying practical stunt work, ruthless imagery, and virtuous emotion are not only incredible to watch. However, it also enlightened the modern-day filmmakers and set a standard, about how a kick-ass action movie should be made.

Fun Fact: Over eighty percent of the effects seen in the film are practical effects, including stunts, make-up, and sets. CGI was used sparingly, mainly to enhance the Namibian landscape, remove stunt rigging, and for Imperator Furiosa’s left arm. Source: IMDb

Overall, Nearly thirty years after the release of the last Mad Max film, Fury Road is a flawless post-apocalyptic action drama which will go down in the annals of history as one of the greatest action movies ever made. An incredibly jaw-dropping experience if you choose to watch it on the big screen. Rent Fury Road on YouTube here.

Rating – 5/5

Surya Komal

Surya Komal

It is what it is.

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